The Realme 6 series is set to be launched in India on March 5. The price of the phone has been revealed a day before the launch. The initial price of Realme 6 may be Rs 9,999 and the base verant of The Realme 6 Pro is Rs 13,999.
Realme's new phone will have a 64MP camera price dispriced below ₹10,000 |
China's giant tech giant Realme is going to launch its two new smartphones Realme 6 and Realme 6 Pro on March 5. The phone is yet to launch one day, but its price has leaked. The price of both the upcoming smartphones has been leaked by Unbiased Blog. It is reported that the initial price of the Realme 6 under this series may be Rs 9,999 and the base verant of the Realme 6 Pro could be Rs 13,999.
These features may come with realme 6 pro
The Realme 6 Pro has a full HD+ display with punch-hole design. The refresh rate of the display is 90Hz. The company can give a powerful battery with a 30 watt flash charge technology in this phone. The phone has an AI quad rear camera setup with a primary sensor of 64 megapixels. It has been given 20x zoom for better funtography. Talking about the rest of the cameras, it has an ultra-wide angle lens, a telephoto lens and an ultra macro lens. However, nothing can be said about how many megapixels it is. A single punch-hole cutout has been given in the front of the phone for selfies.
Upgraded version of Realme 5
The Realme 6 series is an upgraded version of the existing Realme 5 series. The funny thing is that the potential price of the new phone is being reported was also of the Realme 5 Pro and the Realme 5 at the time of launch last year. However, the price of these two phones has now come down. At this time you can buy realme 5 Pro for Rs 11,999 and Realme 5 for Rs 8,999